Introducing Imgur (pronounced as image-er; imager.) allows you to share images online without having to open an account. As long as your image file is less than 10MB, you can upload it to Imgur and share it with your friends. You may ask how long will the image be on Imgur. On it's FAQ page, it says that as long as your images are getting at least 1 view every 3 months, they will stick around forever. After that, your image may be removed to create more space for newer images. Besides, your pictures will be anonymous, which means that no one knows who posted what and private images will not be made public.
If your pictures gained a certain popularity, it will be added to the Gallery and you can look for the trending ones on Topsy- a real time search engine for Twitter.
Can the images be deleted after you upload it? Yes. There will be a "Deletion Link" at the bottom left after you uploaded the picture (Refer to the picture below). Remember, the deletion link only shows up once, so make sure you save a copy of it just in case you want to delete it in the future.
Format of Image allowed: JPEG, GIF, PNG, APNG, TIFF, BMP, PDF, XCF (GIMP). Please note that the TIFF, BMP, PDF and XCF formats will be converted to PNG on upload.
Size: A maximum of 10MB and those over 1MB will automatically be compressed or resized to 1MB, for better viewing.
1 feedbacks:
Hi Its a nice post, If you are not too busy consider adding to the list , i have been using
it from the past 6 months and it's one of the best option for image sharing , users will be offered unlimited albums,a custom domain, nice editing tools,fabulous themes and many more for free! take a look
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